
Showing posts from 2022

LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO BE ANYTHING BUT HAPPY...There comes a time in life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it....

 Surround yourself with people who make you laugh, forget the bad, and focus on the good. . Love the people who treat you right. Pray for the ones who don't.  Life is too short to be anything but happy. . Falling down is part of life, getting back up is living.


The hope that grants you assurance of eternal life. The hope that prepares you for eternity. The hope of having a mansion prepared for you. The hope of making it to the marriage supper of the Lamb. The hope of having a glorious body. The hope of mortality putting on   Immortality, Incorruptibility. The hope of flying in the sky to meet the Lord in the air. The hope of escaping the great tribulation. The hope of making it to the Celestial City. The hope of seeing God. The hope of having a crown full of stars. The hope of God wiping away all tears from your eyes. The hope of being in the company and fellowship of God eternally. The hope of literally ruling and reigning with Jesus for a thousand years. The hope that keeps alive. This is the lively hope, the hope of glory. Happy Birthday Faithful. May God prosper your ways... I celebrate grace!

Ogun Global Crusade : Complete Dominion Through Christ...Ministering: Pastor Dr. W.F Kumuyi et' Tommy Walker.

Get set for Complete Dominion through Christ! #KumuyiLiveInAbeokuta #GlobalCrusade #completedominion #startingtoday #allthingsarenowready!


The first thing I knew about Valentine's day was that it had something to do with red. Ignorantly, I had dressed up for work that February 14 morning in my black polo shirt tucked into a smart six pieces red skirt.  The first lady that met me was our neighbor, she screamed from a distance "So you celebrate Valentine too?"  "Is today Valentine?" I asked with a obvious smile. Forgive my ignorance, I was just a teenager with less exposure.  "You don't know? Today is Val o. And I'm surprised you are celebrating it." I just probably smiled and went my way. For me, it wasn't a big deal. If only I knew that Valentine's day spells doom for most teenagers, I would have considered at least a change of clothes.  Fast forward to trekking back home after work, I was about to pass the lonely pathway when I discovered a guy hurrying up to catch up with me.  "Valentine babe, how far na?" I ignored him and continued walking. His pa...


Shout out to all the single ladies on my list who have a vision and purpose for their lives.  Who have realized early enough that they have a future and are working real hard to build it.  Who do not rely on Men to pick up their bills and take care of them  Who know that life is much more than changing clothes, taking pictures and having madt fun. The real beauty of life is knowing that you are a part of another person's success story everywhere you go.  Who do not only slay on Social Media but On Their Knees. God is going to bless each and every one of us! Our success is not going to be dependent on the nation's economy!  God is our sufficiency! Above all, you will marry YOUR OWN husbands lórúko Jésù😀  #You_Will_Not_Shimarry!!!