After a term or semester; schools go on a break,
there are also public holidays in the year just like
today, there should be personal break too,
sincerely some persons need to go on a break.
Break from what? Take a break from
relationships!! It is not a must to be with
someone every moment of your life, infact it is
You need to learn how to love the whole of you, if
you don’t love yourself, how can you love
someone in the context of a relationship? We
shouldn’t put our entire self-confidence and self-
worth in the hands of other people, because
loving yourself is the best and first part of love.
Stop making relationship a source of fulfillment or
happiness, it shouldn't be. Being in a relationship
always does not make you better, it only make
you get more hurt and make your expectations
too high.
If you end up getting married in such a situation
where you're always with someone, you will want
to be single again because you have missed that
'To everything there is a season, A time for every
purpose under heaven' (Ecc. 3:1), do not rush
yourself because of the fear of being alone,
singleness is not a deadly disease, it is a healthy
period of your life!
Being single isn’t about looking for someone to
love you, but rather, it’s about making yourself a
better person, not someone else.
This is the time to look for healing, not for love. It
is the time to make yourself better, work on
making yourself whole. It’s when you should be
exploring your weaknesses and flaws and building
yourself into a better person.
It is when you should discover, appreciate, accept
and know yourself.
You can’t possibly try to make someone else
better if you don’t know what’s wrong with
yourself. Being alone and being in love with
yourself is one of the most enviable relationships
we can attain.
Show that you’re single by choice, not by
accident, take a break to do the needful if you
haven't done it!
Thank you sir, what a great and educative information.