The hope that grants you assurance of eternal life. The hope that prepares you for eternity. The hope of having a mansion prepared for you. The hope of making it to the marriage supper of the Lamb. The hope of having a glorious body. The hope of mortality putting on Immortality, Incorruptibility. The hope of flying in the sky to meet the Lord in the air. The hope of escaping the great tribulation. The hope of making it to the Celestial City. The hope of seeing God. The hope of having a crown full of stars. The hope of God wiping away all tears from your eyes. The hope of being in the company and fellowship of God eternally. The hope of literally ruling and reigning with Jesus for a thousand years. The hope that keeps alive. This is the lively hope, the hope of glory. Happy Birthday Faithful. May God prosper your ways... I celebrate grace!